Featured Project: "Rev.Eng: The Reversal Engine"
Welcome to my website, I'm Mike.
I'm a software engineer, currently working for Square Enix in Tokyo, Japan -
providing my programming skills for our mainline Final Fantasy series.
Before that, I also attended college at DigiPen Institute of Technology, which is "infamous" in the Gaming Industry for its goal to produce top quality game developers out of those who can make it through the brutal 4-year degree. This website is a place to put all my past projects in one place as my personal portfolio. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
To keep you interested, here is a video of the indie game I created with my friends:
Rev.Eng: The Reversal Engine
The main attraction of this site is my Projects page, so make sure to check it out and see some of the cool stuff I've made. Also, if you want to learn a little bit more about myself, you can head over to my Contact page to hear some of my stories.
::: Portfolio :::
Click on a Project!
Finally revived my website! I was accepted into Square Enix (Tokyo) in 2011 and have been working hard every day to deliver the best programming for our games. I had the pleasure to work on Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn, as well as Final Fantasy 15 - truly an honor to be able to be here. I moved the site to my own domain, and updated every page to my most recent information. Hope you like it!
Graduation! REV.ENG is a wrap and a huge success, we won several awards from DigiPen, including Best Senior Game of 2010 and Best Senior Technology of 2010. I've updated the projects page with a bunch of new screenshots of the game. Thanks so much for all your support!
Also brand-new to the site is the latest physics engine I've been working on this year. Phys.Eng is one of my coolest physics projects yet, and I learned a lot of awesome things while making it, so definitely check it out!
Iteration, iteration, iteration! Brand new version of my Resume polished up for the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco this coming week!! Really excited and looking forward to many great things in GDC, see you there!!
New layout with lots of neat little features~ If you click the little arrow tab on the bottom-left, the page will scroll back up to the menu for easy access (the floating logo on top also does the same thing). On the Projects page, I've added a little Menu with little Icons that lets you choose which project you want to see and scroll to. Use these neat buttons to navigate through my site with ease~ Another thing you'll notice is that the stars in the background now have parallax scrolling with the page, cool huh?
I put up a brand-new awesome Resume to get ready for the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco next month. In my Contact page, there is a new section called Cool Links where I link to a bunch of cool games & people. I also updated the Projects page with more info on my latest game, "Rev.Eng: The Reversal Engine". We have an amazing team of 11 people working on the game, and we hope we can deliver something really great to all of you. I am the Producer for this project and it's been a really great experience working with such a large team of skilled programmers & artists, look forward to the game's release in April when we graduate!
Happy New Year, everyone! I've updated the main page with a Teaser clip of my upcoming game, .Rev. All of my team members are working hard to make it as awesome as possible and I hope to be able to show more of it in the near future, so keep checking in!
The Projects page has been updated with Stacks, a project I worked on using the Official Nintendo Wii dev-kit. It was pretty neat to be able to do that, so definitely check that out if you haven't. Also, a new and revised resume is now up, have a look through it if you wish to do so. I haven't updated for quite a while here, but it's because I'm working on something really big for this year, (on a team of 10 with 5 programmers and 5 artists) so we should be able to come up with an amazing game. The tentative name is .Rev, so make sure to keep a look out to check on our progress!
Added Splash Squad Attack and Technical Support (two of my old projects from way back in my freshman year). And also my resume has been updated, hope to make it better and better as time goes by so keep checking in~
The semester is over and Worlds Beyond is finally done! Check out the finished game on the Projects page. Make sure to tell me what you think, either by YouTube comments or by email!
I'm looking forward to starting a new project for next semester, so hopefully I can get stuff up and running quickly to put up here and keep everyone updated.
Two more projects are now up on the Projects page, including my REFRAX demo, which basically inspired the design of this site, so make sure to check it out!
Big Big Update! Mostly the Projects page, as it has been updated with videos and more stuff including my game from last year. Contact and Home pages are looking neater, while I've just been generally filling up the whole site to make it look good. You can expect some more projects to be up soon!
GDC was soooo busy! I just got back from San Francisco so I haven't had time to put up more projects and content to the site, but make sure to come back soon, because I'll be putting up A LOT of stuff definitely.
Site is finally up and running, check back soon for more content to be added!
Site design and layout by mike.susetyo ©2006-2010.
Designed in Adobe Photoshop CS3, maintained using html/css.
All materials on this page are copyright their respective owners.
DigiPen Institute of Technology ©2006-2010.